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Haikou’s ban on plastics was increased, and law enforcement went deep into the farmer’s market. A fine of 500 yuan was caught and a packaging factory fined 250,000!

Author:yousu06 Date:2021-05-17 Reading:

Recently, the Haikou Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau announced 17 cases of violations of the plastic ban. Among these cases, the minimum penalty was 500 yuan and the maximum penalty was 256,000 yuan.

In general, these cases present 4 characteristics:

1. Law enforcement officials have begun to penetrate the farmer’s market. Of the 17 cases announced, 9 were in the farmers’ market. Previously, the scope of law enforcement was more concentrated in large supermarkets and chain stores.

2. Vendors in the farmer's market violated the ban on plastics and were fined 500 yuan. Several vendors in the farmers' market were fined 500 yuan for using 20-50 disposable non-degradable plastic bags.

3. Supermarkets and Internet cafes will be fined 2,000 yuan for violating the ban on plastics. A Haikou supermarket used 105 non-degradable plastic bags and was fined 2,000 yuan; an Internet cafe used 200 non-degradable plastic bowl covers and was fined 2,000 yuan.

4. Major cases are severely punished. The number of disposable non-degradable plastic products in the list of banned storage of Haikou Xiuying Huikang Tableware Packaging Factory is 6514 boxes, with a value of 257,000 yuan. In addition to confiscating 6,514 boxes of products, a fine of 257,000 yuan was also imposed.

check the time
Administrative penalties
March 23 Haikou Meilan Shenhua Daily Grocery Store

1. A fine of 3,000 yuan.

2. 275 plastic bags were confiscated.
March 19 Haikou Meilan Hongzhou Non-staple Food Supermarket (Lin Yinmian)

1. A fine of 1200 yuan.

2. Confiscated 125 plastic bags.

March 19 Haikou Meilan Yangyunyun Restaurant (Yangfengyun)

1. A fine of 1200 yuan.

2. Confiscated 80 plastic bags and 46 plastic tableware.

March 19 Haikou Meilan Yongmeihui Supermarket (Yuan Yongshuai)

1. A fine of 2,000 yuan

2. Confiscate 105 plastic bags.

March 18 Haikou Meilan Guilin Yangchen Jingguang Fresh Fish Stall

1. A fine of 500 yuan.

2. Forty-seven plastic bags were confiscated.

March 18 Haikou Meilan Guilin Plum Yunrong Pork Stall

1. A fine of 500 yuan.

2. Confiscate 106 plastic bags.

March 18 Haikou Meilan Day Food Stall

1. A fine of 500 yuan.

2. 214 plastic bags were confiscated.

March 18 Haikou Meilan Day Food Stall

1. A fine of 500 yuan.

2. 170 plastic bags were confiscated.

March 18 Haikou Meilan Guilin Yangliang Zhenhua Pork Stall

1. A fine of 500 yuan.

March 18 Haikou Meilan Lin Gang Vegetable Stall

1. A fine of 500 yuan.

2. Confiscated 120 plastic bags.

March 18 Haikou Meilan Guilin Yangyan Lizhi Pork Stall

1. A fine of 500 yuan.

2. Confiscated 25 plastic bags.

April 7 Haikou Xiuyingzong Yuhe Houan Fentang Haigang Store

1. A fine of 1500 yuan.

2. Confiscated 20 plastic bags.

April 7 Wang Enchang

1. A fine of 500 yuan.

2. Confiscated 50 plastic bags.
April 7 Haikou Xiuying Wang Limei Aquatic Products Stall

1. A fine of 500 yuan.

2. Confiscated 30 plastic bags.
March 29 Haikou Le Chao Le Internet Cafe

1. A fine of 2,000 yuan.

2. Confiscated 200 plastic bowl covers.

March 23

1. A fine of 2,000 yuan.

2. Confiscated 1,100 plastic bags.

December 24 Haikou Xiuying Huikang Tableware Packing Factory

11. Confiscated 6514 boxes of disposable non-degradable plastic products.

2. A fine of 25,6863.9 yuan equal to the value of the goods.

Violation of the laws and regulations applicable to the ban on plastics for small vendors.

The use of the disposable non-degradable plastic products in the prohibited list violates Article 2 of the "Provisions on the Prohibition of Disposable Non-degradable Plastic Products in the Hainan Special Economic Zone", "The production, transportation, sale, storage, and use of the following one-time use are prohibited in this Special Economic Zone" Non-degradable plastic bags, plastic tableware and other plastic products: ...".

In view of the fact that the party’s illegal acts did not comply with the circumstances of lighter or heavier punishments, in accordance with the “Guiding Opinions on Regulating the Discretionary Power of Administrative Penalties for Market Supervision and Administration” of the State Administration for Market Supervision, this Bureau decided to impose quantitative penalties on the parties in an intermediate range.

According to Article 23 of the "Provisions on the Prohibition of Disposable Non-degradable Plastic Products in Hainan Special Economic Zone", "In violation of this regulation, operators who use or provide the use of non-degradable disposable plastic products in the prohibited list shall be subject to market supervision by the people's government at or above the county level. The management department ordered corrections, confiscated one-time non-degradable plastic products, imposed a fine of 1,000 yuan up to 100,000 yuan, and imposed a fine of 1,000 yuan on retail vendors."

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